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The Importance Of Spring Yard Cleanup In Arizona
Cleaning up your Arizona yard early in spring sets the tone for fresh and healthy growth all year. This post covers the best yard cleanup methods for spring.
How To Prepare Your Lawn For Arizona Summers
The brutal heat and sun exposure during Arizona summers can have devastating effects on your lawn, but this post will help ensure your turf stays healthy!
The Benefits Of Lawn Striping
Professional-looking stripes and patterns can turn your lawn into a work of art, but they also benefit grass health. Click here to learn about lawn striping.
The Benefits Of Xeriscaping In Arizona
Xeriscaping, meaning "zero-water landscaping," utilizes native plants that require little irrigation to benefit both you and the environment. Click for more!
The Best Trees & Shrubs For Arizona Yards
Certain plants are naturally equipped to handle the Arizona weather. Come learn which trees and shrubs you should include in your Arizona yard!
Why You Should Prune Trees & Shrubs In Late Winter/Early Spring
Pruning trees and shrubs early in the year provides many benefits to your plants and makes the process much easier. Click to learn more about proper pruning!
Sodding vs. Seeding A Lawn In Arizona
Sodding and seeding are both effective methods of repairing and replacing your turf. Come learn about the pros and cons to decide which is best for your lawn!
Benefits Of Lawn Aeration In Arizona
Lawn aeration is important in Arizona to help alleviate soil compaction and improve grass growth. Come learn why you should aerate your Arizona lawn!
What Is Wire Stem?
Wire stem is closely related to the dreaded brown patch, but knowing where to look for and how to identify this fungal disease can prevent large infections.
What Is Collar Rot?
Collar rot is common in trees and shrubs, but this fungal disease can quickly spread to your lawn, preventing lush growth or even killing the grass.
What Is Root Rot Lawn Disease?
Root rot is a terrible lawn disease that will slowly cause the roots of your lawn to rot and decay until your grass is dead. Come learn how to save your turf!
A Homeowner's Guide To Lawn Diseases In Arizona
Many homeowners look for signs of weeds and drought, but lawn disease causes unique damage to your turf. Click for all you need to know about lawn disease!
Best Drought-Resistant Plants For Yards In Arizona
Your Arizona yard can be just as vibrant and lush as yards across the country if you choose the right plants. This is our list of the best choices for you!
The Pros & Cons Of Artificial Turf In Arizona
Artificial turf is a popular alternative in arid climates like Arizona, but is it worth making the switch? Come read all about it and decide for yourself.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Buffalograss
Buffalograss is becoming a popular choice for lawns across Arizona due to adaptability and heat tolerance. Come learn all about this low-maintenance grass.
What Is Sod?
Sodding your lawn is a convenient way to achieve a lush appearance, but what exactly is sod? Let's learn the basics of sodding vs. seeding a lawn in Arizona.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Bermudagrass
Bermudagrass is arguably the most popular warm-season grass for lawns in Arizona, and this post will explain why so many homeowners love this type of turf.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Centipedegrass
Centipedegrass is a warm-season grass that is loved by Arizona homeowners for its high heat tolerance and low-maintenance requirements.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For St. Augustinegrass
St. Augustinegrass is a unique turfgrass that thrives in the Arizona heat, but it can be difficult to establish if planting is not done correctly.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Zoysiagrass
Zoysiagrass is one of the most popular turf types in Arizona. This post will help you learn how to take care of it to attain a thriving, lush lawn.
What Is Spurge?
Spurge is a common weed that is identifiable by its unique traits. Come learn how to identify the signs of spurge so you can keep it off your property!
What Is Nutsedge?
Nutsedge steals moisture from your grass, but it often goes undetected until it is too late. Come learn how to spot this invader before it damages your lawn!
A Homeowner’s Guide To Sprinkler Heads
Different types of sprinkler heads serve different purposes and should be used for different types of landscapes. Click here to learn which is best for you!
Mulching Vs. Bagging Your Grass Clippings
If you have debated whether or not to leave grass clippings on your lawn as you mow, this post will clear up any questions you may have.
The Benefits Of Regular Lawn Mowing In Arizona
Sticking to a regular lawn mowing schedule is the best way to maintain the perfect grass length, but it also helps improve the health of your turf!
How To Care For Your Lawn During A Drought
Arizona lawns face some tough conditions, the most destructive of which occur during droughts. Come learn how to defend your turf during droughts in Arizona!
Best Grass Types For Lawns In Arizona
This post details the best grass types to use in your lawn for healthy growth in Arizona's hot, arid climate.
The Best Lawn Mowing Height For Every Season In Arizona
Maintaining your grass at the proper height makes all the difference in Arizona's climate, and factors like season and grass type must be considered.
What Is White Clover?
White clover grows all over the world, and it is probably in your backyard right now. Come learn how to spot it and treat it in your lawn.
What Is Black Medic?
This lawn weed is often confused with clovers or other common weeds, but black medic is a unique lawn weed that must be dealt with for optimal lawn health.
What Is Chickweed?
Chickweed is a common broadleaf weed that you have likely seen many times without knowing what it is. This post will help you identify it in your lawn.
What Is Creeping Charlie?
As its name suggests, creeping charlie will creep its way across the soil surface and spread its roots through your lawn if left untreated.
What Is Bindweed?
Don't be fooled by the pretty flowers of this lawn weed! Bindweed spreads across a yard quickly and will deplete your soil of valuable nutrients.
What Is Purslane?
Known often as an edible plant, purslane is a lawn weed that grows low in your lawn and creates thick mats that will smother your grass.
What Is Bittercress?
Bittercress is a type of broadleaf weed that is easily identifiable by its tiny white flowers and flat leaves that disrupt the beauty of your lawn.
What Are Dandelions?
We all know a dandelion when we see one, but do you know about the damage dandelions can do to your lawn? Come read all about it here!
What Is Crabgrass?
Crabgrass is perhaps the most common and invasive of all the grassy weeds, and it is important to know how to spot it and remove it.
Everything You Need To Know About Grassy Weeds
Grassy weeds are the types of weeds that look like patches of overgrown or misshapen grass in your lawn. Click here to learn all about them.
What Is Henbit?
Henbit is a unique-looking weed that boasts pretty flowers, but letting it grow freely in your yard will make your lawn and gardens suffer.
Most Common Lawn Weeds In Arizona
Lawn weeds are a real problem in many Arizona lawns, so we put together this list of the most common ones to help you identify them for treatment.
Add Some Life To Your Lawn With These Plants
Arizona landscapes need specific plants that are able to withstand the climate, and these are the plants to help bring your yard to life!
3 Ways To Keep Cockroaches Out Of Your Home Or Business
Cockroaches are hideous and alarming sights inside the comfort of your home or office. Come learn the best ways to prevent them from appearing!
Overseeding Your Lawn in Arizona This Fall? Use Ryegrass Seeds!
Ryegrass is one of the best grass types to use for overseeding patchy lawns in fall. Click here to read more about the benefits of overseeding with ryegrass.
Types Of Lawn Fertilizers: A Comprehensive Guide
There are a variety of lawn fertilizers that take different forms and are designed for different situation. Click this post to learn more about them.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Lawn Weeds in Arizona
Arizona's dry and hot conditions can welcome a host of lawn weeds onto your turf. This post will help you identify and treat weeds in your Arizona lawn.
Don’t Forget to Schedule Pre-Emergent Weed Control Treatments This Fall
Applying pre-emergent weed control in fall helps prevent winter weeds from emerging and makes spring lawn care much easier! Click to learn more.
Seeing Spiders In Your Home Or Business? Here's How To Keep Them Out!
Spiders are the last thing many people want to see in their home or workplace. Come learn the best ways to keep them out!
Need an Irrigation System? Choose the Right Company to Install It!
Irrigation systems can be complicated, which is why you need to hire the best company you can find to do the job correctly. Follow the advice in this post!
Be on the Lookout for These 4 Weeds as the Fall Season Approaches
Fall brings cooler temperatures that welcome certain weeds that thrive in such conditions. This post will help you identify some common fall weeds.
4 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Lawn Is Infested With Grubs
Think your lawn is infested with grubs? Click this post to read about 4 warning signs of grub damage so you can stay protected against them!
Which Component of Your Irrigation System Needs to Be Repaired?
When sprinklers begin malfunctioning, it can be difficult to know where the problem is. The information in this post will help you locate and fix the issue!
3 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Hiring a Company to Mow Your Lawn
Not all lawn mowing companies are made the same, which is why we have compiled this list of warning signs to help you spot the bad ones!
Should I Aerate My Lawn in the Spring in Arizona?
Spring is one of the most beneficial times to aerate your Arizona lawn if you want grass to grow thicker through the summer. Click here for more info.
Are Chafer Beetles Destroying Your Turf? Here’s What To Do!
Chafer beetles can be a real problem in your Arizona lawn, but this post can help you deal with them before your grass is too damaged.
The 3 Best Ways to Keep Your Trees From Succumbing to a Tree Disease
Taking care of your trees means preventing infections that can rot away the wood and weaken leaves. Here are our top 3 tips for preventing tree diseases.
3 Ways To Transform The Curb Appeal Of Your Property
Curb appeal is about more than looking good. Greener grass and plants mean a healthier landscape and a higher value that everyone can appreciate.
Lawn Fertilization 101 - Everything You Need to Know About Lawn Fertilizer
Fertilizing your lawn may seem easy, but many homeowners often miss the basics. Click here for everything you need to know about lawn fertilization.
Questions to Ask a Lawn Mowing Company Before Hiring Them
If you are considering hiring a new lawn mowing company, read this post first to ensure that you are asking the right questions.
Put an End to Your Mosquito Problem by Scheduling Professional Treatments
Widespread mosquito invasions are no joke, and you do not want to ignore the problem. Click here to learn the benefits of professional mosquito control.
STOP! Don’t Try to Repair Your Irrigation System Yourself!
Irrigation repair is a job best left to the professionals. Click this post to learn why you do not want to attempt sprinkler repairs on your own.
Tips for Mowing Newly Installed Sod
Newly sodded lawns must be mowed carefully at first until the roots become stronger and more developed. Let's learn a little bit more about mowing new sod.
What's the perfect mowing schedule for lawns in Arizona?
Want to stick to the best lawn mowing schedule possible for Arizona lawns? Click this post for all the information you need!
Prepare Your Landscape Beds for the Growing Season With These 3 Tasks!
This post goes over our top 3 tips on how to get your landscape beds ready to bloom and impress throughout the upcoming growing season.
Don’t Try & Install Your Own Irrigation System - Always Hire Professionals
Hiring professional irrigation installation companies is the only way to ensure that your property will be watered effectively and minimal issues will arise.
Grub Season Is Approaching Fast - Act Now Before It’s Too Late!
The best way to prevent grub damage in your lawn is to prevent them from appearing in the first place, and this post will help you do just that!
How to Deal With Fleas & Ticks in Arizona
Fleas and ticks are nasty problems that no one wants to have. If you do find them, however, this post will help you deal with them safely.
Don’t Wait - Remove Weeds From Your Landscape Beds ASAP!
Weeds can spread quickly, so you should never wait to remove them from your landscape beds. Click here to learn why prompt removal is an absolute must!
Keep Your Lawn Looking Great This Summer With These 3 Lawn Care Services
This post goes over some valuable information about the 3 best ways to keep your lawn healthy and looking great in the summer heat.
Look for These 3 Things Before Hiring a Perimeter Pest Control Company
Perimeter pest control keeps bugs outside where they belong, but some companies are better than others. Keep these 3 tips in mind when hiring services.
What's the Perfect Weed Control Schedule for Lawns in Arizona?
Weed control is most effective when it is carried out on a routine schedule for continued prevention and treatment. Click this post to learn more.
3 Reasons to Invest in a Drip Irrigation System for Your Property
This post goes over some of the top reasons to install a drip irrigation system for your property in Arizona.
3 Common Mistakes People Make When Applying Fertilizer Themselves
Applying fertilizer on your own lawn can be risky if you are inexperienced. Come learn about some of the most common mistakes so you can avoid them.
Planning on Laying Sod in Arizona? Choose Bermudagrass!
Click on this post to read all about Bermudagrass and why it is the absolute best option for sodding a lawn in Arizona!
Here’s Why You Should Be Changing Directions Each Time You Mow Your Grass
Mowing the lawn in the same direction every time can make your grass look weak and dull. This post explains the benefits of alternating mowing directions.
The Main Ingredients in Your Lawn Fertilizer & How They Help Your Grass
Fertilizers contain the same nutrients that are found in the soil to feed your grass what it needs, but what are those nutrients? Click here to find out.
Is Investing in a Smart Irrigation System Worth It?
Smart irrigation systems make watering your lawn more convenient, but are they worth the investment? Let's take a closer look to help you decide.
Your Guide to Having a Green Lawn Year-Round in Arizona
Certain steps need to be taken in order to create and maintain a green lawn throughout the year. Come learn those steps in this blog post.
4 Common Spring Weeds to Keep Your Eye Out for in Arizona
Some weeds are more active in spring than other times of the year, and knowing how to spot them early in the season can help reduce the damage they cause.
Should You Replace Your Mower Blades or Do You Just Need to Sharpen Them?
If you are deciding between buying new lawn mower blades or sharpening your old ones, this blog post will make the decision much easier.
Is There a Correct Way to Install a Rock Ground Cover? Yes!
If you are thinking about adding a rock ground cover to your landscape, the information in this post will teach you how to do it the right way.
3 Reasons You Need to Fertilize Your Trees in Arizona
This blog post covers some of the main reasons why your trees need to be fertilized in Arizona, just like your grass and gardens.
Benefits Of Pruning & Trimming Plants In Arizona In The Spring
Pruning and trimming plants is the best way to keep them in shape, but these tasks also prevent diseases and damage from spreading in the warm spring weather.
Help Your Grass Transition Into the Warmer Months With Core Aeration
Core aeration is a great way to loosen up compacted soil and allow grass to grow more freely once the weather warms up. Find out how it works in this post.
Now Is The Time To Schedule Your Spring Cleanup Service In Gilbert, AZ
Spring cleanup services help remove debris littered across your yard before plants and grass begin their growing seasons. Come learn more in this post.
4 Amazing Spring Blooms to Plant in Your Garden in Arizona
Click here to read Little John's list of some breathtaking spring flowers to plant in your Arizona garden!
Is Liquid or Granular Fertilizer Better for Lawns in Arizona?
Do you use liquid or granular fertilizer on your lawn? If you live in Arizona, this post will explain which option you should go with for the best results.
As Temperatures Rise, So Do the Chances for Lawn Diseases
Lawn diseases thrive in damp conditions once the temperatures begin to warm up in spring. Here are some things to look out for when dealing with lawn disease.
Your Guide to Caring for Newly Installed Sod
Click on this post for everything you need to know about how to care for and maintain your newly sodded lawn!
Here's What Your Lawn Needs to Bounce Back from Winter
Winter can have damaging effects on your lawn, but this post will go over some of the best ways to ensure your lawn can bounce back in spring.
Pre-emergents are highly effective at preventing weed growth, but they must be applied at the right time to stop those pesky weeds. Click for more info.
Drip irrigation can be effective for certain watering needs of specific plants, but sprinklers have a more wide range of uses. Click here to learn more!
This is our list of the 3 most common lawn diseases you will likely encounter in your Gilbert, AZ lawn.
Mosquitoes are attracted to certain conditions that you may not even know exist in your yard. Click here to stay informed and protected against mosquitoes!
With so many lawn care companies out there, how do you know you have chosen the right one? Here are some tips for picking the best lawn care provider.
Seeding a lawn can take a lot of time and hard work for results. Click on this post to learn how to have an instantly green lawn with sod!
Sometimes, starting a new lawn from scratch is the only logical course of action for lawns that are demolished and won't grow grass. Click to learn more.
We are constantly asked about the best ways to care for new sod by our customers and neighbors. This post answers some of the most common questions we get.
Come read all about the ways your current lawn mowing company may be doing more harm than good to your grass.
Irrigation systems save time, money, and water, making them a better choice than hose watering. Learn more about the benefits of irrigation systems here.
Arizona's climate allows for year-round gardening if you select the right plants for the right time of year. Come read about 3 flowers for fall and winter.
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