Arizona's desert climate is infamous for intense heat, dry conditions, and limited rainfall that can make it extremely difficult for many plants to thrive. Fortunately, there are certain trees and shrubs that are well-adapted to the heat and harsh conditions, so you can still have the yard of your dreams! Come learn about the best trees and shrubs for your Arizona landscape!
Before getting into the best trees and shrubs to plant in your Arizona yard, it may be helpful to first understand the main differences between these two types of plants. Smaller ornamental trees are often confused or referred to interchangeably with shrubs. It’s important to know whether you are planting a tree or a shrub for both the aesthetic appeal of your yard and the maintenance needs you can expect to address.
The Arizona ash tree (Fraxinus velutina) is a fast-growing deciduous tree that can reach heights of 40-50 feet, with a broad, rounded canopy providing dense shade. Its dark green, compound leaves consist of 5-9 leaflets that turn golden yellow in the fall, creating a brief but stunning seasonal display. The bark is gray and smooth in younger trees but becomes furrowed with age.
The desert ironwood tree (Olneya tesota) is a slow-growing evergreen tree that can live for hundreds of years. It features silvery-gray foliage made up of small, oval leaflets and produces pleasantly fragrant, lavender-pink flowers in late spring. These flowers attract bees and hummingbirds. The tree’s dense, thorny branches and hard, dark wood are also characteristic.
The desert willow tree (Chilopsis linearis) is a small, multi-trunked tree with slender, arching branches and narrow, willow-like leaves. It produces abundant trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple, or white, often with a subtle scent. These blossoms appear throughout the warmer months, making the tree a favorite among butterflies and other pollinators.
The chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is a medium-sized shrub or small tree that can grow up to 20 feet tall and wide. It is easily recognizable by its aromatic, palmate leaves, which resemble the shape of fingers on a hand. The tree produces long spikes of violet, lavender, or white flowers from late spring through early fall, attracting bees and butterflies.
Yucca (Yucca spp.) plants are iconic desert perennials with stiff, sword-like leaves that radiate from a central base, forming a striking rosette shape. Many species also produce tall flower spikes in the spring and summer, topped with clusters of creamy white, bell-shaped flowers. Popular varieties in Arizona include the soaptree yucca and Spanish dagger.
Chokeberries (Aronia spp.) are deciduous shrubs that grow between 3-6 feet tall, with glossy green leaves that turn brilliant shades of red and orange in the fall. They produce clusters of small white flowers in the spring, followed by tart, dark purple berries that are both ornamental and edible. The berries often persist into winter, providing food for birds.
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spp.) is a colorful and hardy shrub or vine, known for its papery, bright bracts that surround small, inconspicuous white flowers. These bracts come in shades of magenta, orange, red, and white, creating a dazzling display. The plant’s thorny stems can be trained to climb walls, fences, or trellises, adding dramatic vertical interest to a yard.
The velvet mesquite tree (Prosopis velutina) is a native Arizona tree with feathery, pinnate leaves covered in soft, velvety hairs. Its twisted, gnarled branches add character to any landscape, while its fragrant yellow flowers attract populations of pollinators. This tree’s deep roots make it highly drought-tolerant, and its pods can be used as animal feed or even ground into flour.
It can be difficult to plan the perfect place to plant your new shrubbery, and properly caring for your greenery is no easy task in our challenging climate. Little John’s is here to take care of all your tree and shrub care needs in Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, and the surrounding areas in Arizona. With our local expertise and years of experience, we will give you a thriving landscape that you can be proud of. Call today for a free consultation!